
Bhutan (the Land of the Thunder Dragon)


The Kingdom of Bhutan is a gem in the eastern Himalayas. The small beautiful country with an area of 38,394 square kilometers lies between China and India. Bhutan is comparable to Switzerland both in its size and topography, being largely mountainous.


Bhutan is beautifully covered by untouched and clean natural vegetation. Because of the deep traditional reverence which the Bhutanese have for nature, the kingdom is one of the leading countries in environmental conservation.  As a Matter of Fact, About 72.5% of Bhutan’s land area is still under forest cover and it is stated in its Constitution that, “a minimum of 60% of the Bhutan’s total Land Shall be maintained underfor all time, forest cover”.


Bhutan is one of the ten bio-diversity hot spots in the world and one of the 221 global endemic bird areas. Its ecosystem harbors some of the most exotic species of the eastern Himalayas with an estimated 770 species of birds and 50 species of rhododendrons, besides an astonishing variety of medicinal plants and orchids. Many parts of the country have been declared wildlife reserves, and are the natural habitats of rare species of both flora and fauna. Fauna and flora flourishes in great varieties as the terrain rises from southern foothills (150m above sea level) to unclimbed peaks over 7000m.


Opened for tourism in 1974, after the coronation of the Fourth King, His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck, Bhutan is perhaps the world’s most exclusive tourist destination. The country still retains all the charm of the old world, and travelers experience the full glory of this ancient land as embodied in the monastic fortresses, ancient temples, monasteries and chortens which dot the countryside, prayer flags fluttering above farmhouses and on the hillsides, lush forests, rushing glacial rivers, and – perhaps most important of all – the warm smiles and genuine friendliness of the people. Each moment is special as one discovers a country which its people have chosen to preserve in all its magical purity.


Today the world is seeing many exotic aspects of this Kingdom. Bhutan is becoming increasingly known for its pure practice of Mahayana Buddhism in the Tantric form, its untouchable culture, its pristine ecology and wildlife and the unparalleled scenic beauty of its majestic peaks and lush valleys and its governing policy of Gross National Happiness (GNH). Those fortunate enough to visit Bhutan describe it as a unique, deeply spiritual and mystical experience. This kingdom is an adventure like no other.


Facts and Figures


Districts (Dzongkhags) 20

Land area 38,394 square kilometres

Forest area 72.5 %

Altitude between 240metres and 7541metres above sea level

Inhabitants 634,982

Language official language “Dzongkha”, English widely spoken

Religion Vajrayana stream of Mahayana Buddhism (Also known as Tantric Buddhism)

Currency Ngultrum (equal to Indian Rupee)

Capital Thimphu

Country Dialing Code +975

Local time Six hours ahead of GMT and half an hour ahead of Indian Standard Time



It is believed that the name Bhutan is derived from the Sanskrit Bhotant, meaning “the end of Tibet,” or from Bhu-uttan, meaning “high land.” Mystery surrounds Bhutan’s distant past, as priceless historical documents were lost in fires and earthquakes. Though known as Bhutan to the outside world, the Bhutanese themselves refer to their country as Druk Yul or the Land of the Thunder Dragon.


In 747 A.D. Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava, or second Buddha) made his legendary trip from Tibet across the mountains flying on a tigress’s back. He arrived in Paro valley at Taktsang Lhakhang also known as Tiger’s Nest. The Guru began propagation of the Tantric form of Mahayana Buddhism.


The country was unified under the Drukpa Kagyupa sect of Mahayana Buddhism in the early 17th century, by the religious figure, Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. The Zhabdrung codified a comprehensive system of laws and built dzongs which guarded each valley. In the next two centuries, the nation was once again fragmented into regional fiefdoms with intermittent civil wars. At the end of the 19th century, the Trongsa governor ( Penlop) Ugyen Wangchuck, who then controlled the central and eastern regions, overcame all his rivals and united the nation. In 1907, Ugyen Wangchuck was unanimously enthroned as the 1st King thereby establishing a hereditary monarchy system.


In 2006, the fourth King handed over his responsibilities to his son King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck and the formal coronation was held in November 2008. Bhutan is now a constitutional monarchy and had its first parliamentary elections in December 2007 and March 2008.


Culture and Tradition

Bhutan has one of the distinctive and unique cultures in the world. In the ever changing world, Bhutanese are committed to preserve and treasure their rich culture and tradition. The unique cultural and traditional values are highly valued and are visible in the everyday life of the Bhutanese. The protection and promotion of unique culture and tradition is a means of protecting the sovereignty of the nation as lying between two giant countries of the world, India and China.


– Architecture

Bhutanese architecture is famous for its originality, its pleasant proportions and its adaptation to the landscape. In fact the Architecture of Bhutan expresses the uniqueness of Bhutan from the rest of the world. Today, combining with the modern technology Bhutan still preserves and promotes its distinctive and beautiful piece of centuries old architecture. We can see the traditional unique architecture in each and every architectural structure of Bhutan. The architectural structures includes Dzongs (monasteries), chortens (stupas), stone walls, Lhakhangs (temples), fortresses, mansions, bridges and houses. Architectural heritage dating back to the 17th centuries are still visible and exists today.


The dzongs – themselves imposing 17th century structures built on a grand scale without the help of any drawings and constructed entirely without nails – are outstanding examples of the best in Bhutanese architecture. Reflecting a certain view of religion, society and spatial organization, the dzongs symbolize the history and long independence of Bhutan.


Lhakhang (temples) are fairly small building of simple design, seem to have been the first forms of religious architecture. It differs from ordinary houses by red band painted on the upper part of their walls and an ornament of gilded copper on the roof.


– Arts and Crafts

Bhutan’s rich tradition of arts and crafts is an integral part of the history, culture and the distinctive identity of the Bhutanese people. The rich and unique artistic traditions have been passed down from generation to generation since the ancient times and have survived and flourished for many centuries. Practice and promotion of arts and crafts in Bhutan existed as early as Zhabdrung’s time, i.e., the 16th century, through support and patronage from various experts. Although painting, sculpturing, and calligraphy skills were limited to monks, the knowledge soon reached and spread to villages. Due to the unique design, durability and beauty of the traditional artistic product, Bhutan today export these products abroad.


There are broadly 13 categories of arts and crafts known as the ‘Zorig Chusum’ – the thirteen sciences of arts and crafts (Zo – to make, rig – science, chusum – thirteen). These skills represent the tradition, culture and history of Bhutan.


These thirteen arts and crafts are Weaving (Thagzo), Cane and Bamboo crafts (Tsharzo), Woodworks (Shingzo), Painting (Lhazo), Stonework (Dozo), Clay Crafts (Jinzo), Bronze Casting (Lugzo), Wood, Slate and Stone Carving (Parzo), Wood Turning (Shagzo), Black-Smithy (Garzo), Silver and Gold Smithy (Dhezo), Tailoring and Embroidery (Tshemzo), and Paper Making (Dezo)


– Festivals

Bhutan is rich in cultural diversity and this richness is further enhanced by the variety of festivals that is being observed. At different time of the year, the annual festivals known as “Tshechus” take place in different locations. Tshechus are usually occasions to mark the important events in the life of the second Buddha, the precious Indian Tantric master known as Guru Rinpoche or the Precious Gem. All of Guru Rinpoche’s great deeds are believed to have taken place on the 10th day of the month, which is the meaning of the word tshechu. Tshechus are celebrated for several days between three to five days and are the occasion for dances that are clearly defined in religious content. The dancers, either monks or laymen, wear spectacular costumes of bright silk or brocade, ornate hats and extraordinary masks. Certain festivals end with the unveiling and worship of a huge religious appliqués or thongdroel and festival goers believe that simply by viewing this thangkha, they can be delivered from the cycle of reincarnation which is the ultimate aim of Buddhism.


Another highlight of the Tshechus is the Atsaras or clowns who are believed to represent Acharyas, religious masters of India. They confront the monks, toss out salacious jokes, and distract the crowd with their antics whenever the religious dances begin to grow tedious. They are the only people permitted to mock religion in a society where sacred matters are treated with the highest respect.


For the Bhutanese, attendance at religious festivals offers an opportunity to become immersed in the meaning of their religion and to gain much merit. The festivals are also occasions for seeing people, and for being seen, for social exchanges, and for flaunting success. As the Tshechu begins, the villagers and the general populace dressed in their finery congregate in the temples and monasteries to witness these festivals. It provides the villagers with a respite from their hard day’s labor and to catch up with their family and friends. Attendance at one of these religious events provides an opportunity for the outsider to experience the extraordinary.


Besides Dromche and Tshechhu, Bhutan also celebrates, Losar the Tibetan New Year as one of the most important festivals. During which, picnics, archery competition, dances are held. Friends and relatives exchange greeting cards. Various other Buddhist and Hindu festivals are also observed.


– Eating Habits

Traditionally, Bhutanese eat in the plates made out of Bamboo (known as Bangchung) and wood (Known as Dhapa) with the bare hands. There is also habits of eating in the piece of cloths (known as Toray). Most of the cups and mugs used by the Bhutanese are made out of woods. While having a meal, unlike western, without dining tables and chair, family members sits on the floor with cross legged. The mother of the house (Nang Gi Aum) serves the food starting from the oldest and head of the house. Before eating Short prayer (Tom Choey) is offered and for rest of the family eating starts only after the oldest and the head of the house starts eating. Now a days with easy access to the modern world, eating habits have changed and in urban areas, people usually eat with spoons and make use of dining tables and chairs.


Traditionally dishes were cooked in earthenware’s (Sa Zam), but with the easy availability of imported pans and pots, the use of earthenware’s have been replaced. Rice is a main food in Bhutan and it is accompanied by a dish. The most popular Bhutanese dish is known as Ema Datshi (chilli with cheese). And in almost all the dishes other than Ema Datshi, chilli is the compulsory ingredient. A typical Bhutanese meal might consist of thugpa, a soup prepared out of rice, meat, cheese and other ingredients includes, chilli powder, ginger, pepper. Typical Bhutanese tea is Known as Suja made out of salt and butter. Chang (alcohol) is made from grain.


– National Dress

A distinctive feature of the Bhutanese is their dress that has evolved over the years. Bhutanese men wear a gho, a long robe tied around the waist by a small belt called a kera. A woman’s ankle-length dress is called a kira, made from beautifully colored and finely woven fabrics with traditional patterns. Necklaces are fashioned from corals, pearls, turquoise, and the precious agate eye stones that the Bhutanese call “tears of the gods” or dzi beads.


In keeping with the tradition, it is mandatory for all Bhutanese to wear scarves while visiting Dzongs and other administrative centers. The scarf worn by men is known as Kabney while that of women is known as Rachu. The scarves worn are different in color and signify their status or rank. While the general Bhutanese men wear scarf that is white in color, the King and the Je Khenpo or the Head Abbot wear yellow scarves. The ministers wear orange scarves while the Judges wear green and the district administrators wear red scarves with a small white strip that runs through. The Rachu is hung over their left shoulder and unlike scarves worn by men does not have any color attached to it. They are usually woven out of raw silk with rich patterns.



The world has rightly applauded Bhutan’s bold philosophy of Gross National Happiness. According to the philosophy, the happiness of the people precedes even the Gross National Product.


GNH is the gift of Bhutan to the world. The term Gross National Happiness (GNH) was coined by the fourth King His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck. Concerned about the problems afflicting countries that focused only on economic growth, Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck decided to make the nation’s priority not it’s Gross Domestic Product but Gross National Happiness. For this he suggested that the progress of the nation be measured by “Gross National Happiness.” He said that the rich are not always happy while the happy generally considered themselves rich.


While conventional development models stressed on economic growth as the ultimate objective, the concept of Gross National Happiness claims to be based on the premise that true development of human society takes place when material and spiritual development occur side by side to complement and reinforce each other.


The four main pillars of Gross National Happiness are:

Equitable and equal socio-economic development,

Preservation and promotion of cultural and spiritual heritage,

Conservation of environment and,

Good governance which are interwoven, complementary, and consistent.